1.A positive drug screen urine sample in prison
2.A targeted urine drug screen given by correctional officers in prison for a suspected drug user
1.I got 3 days degradation for a tare urine.
2.Hide the drugs I've been targetted for urine drug screen from the officers
by Baked dinner March 25, 2022
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Goat squad, gang gang gang, three women and the super smash bros fucking wit that blowporcupine
Henry: I fucking hate bloody Urinal

James: Goat Squad!
by Jacky Rosenstein December 21, 2021
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When your doctor makes you take some medicine and every time you go to the bathroom your urine smells like vile medicine and chemicals
(Cough) oh god that was really bad medical-urine
by 69_BitchAssNigga_420 March 20, 2016
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“OMG the sex was so good I orgasmically urinated!”

“I love it when she orgasmically urinates all over my face”

“All women are capable of orgasmic urination, but not all ever achieve it”
by MapleSyrup87 April 8, 2020
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Where the line in the restroom is too long, to speed up the process, you unzip your pants and let your penis hang out so you are ready to go when it's your turn.
"The line in the restroom started moving much more quickly once everyone was joining in the urinal hang."
by mclee90 June 21, 2019
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a group of people who go by the name ‘ the urinals ‘
person 1 : have you heard of the urinals
person 2 : yes!
by the urinals June 22, 2020
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The social embarrassment and self-consciousness felt by someone in a social setting (club, party, etc) who must leave a group or conversation several times to use the bathroom after drinking too much liquid of any kind (alcoholic or otherwise).
"Dude, did you have fun at the party last night?"

"Yeah, I met some really cool people, but I had Urination Humiliation cause I had to leave and go to the bathroom so much"
by thesupremestevo November 20, 2008
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