The most adorable and heartwarming film in creation that soars above and beyond all others, especially those made during modern times. The movie is set in France and is progressive ahead of its time as it features a beautifully angelic and adorable school boy who attends an all boys school falls in love with one of the upper class men. Watch with subtitles if you don't already know the French language or bewhere missing the best part of the movie.
Person 1: Wanna go see a movie at the mall?

Me: nah I'm good. I'm all for staying home and watching This Special Friendship on my phone

Person 1: Tf is that, you loner?

Me: *sigh* not gunna bother to explain.
by Lenny_doesnt_care! June 16, 2018
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usually in film or other media, a power boost, attack, or other climactic action, typically used against a top villain, which is activated via the "power of friendship" between characters.
"I can't stand this show. They always solve every problem by firing the friendship cannon."
by Recoculous Recoculoid March 31, 2019
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When you play UNO and everything you have is an UNO reverse
I won last night with the Friendship Destroyer’s Deck.
by Puffsie<3 November 10, 2022
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When soldiers after the war are still together no matter what
Look at them! It's a good example of soldiers friendship!
by Petrecka October 1, 2017
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"How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Adams-Friendship? -If it were invented anywhere else, it would be called a 'toothbrush'"
by whitetrash54902 June 3, 2022
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The act of having a threesome involving that friend.

In the case of two guys- you iffel tower that girl, and double high five each other
In the case of guy and girl- she will bring in another girl and while the guy is fucking the other girl (who is eating out the friend) you high five each other
"Yo I got a level 10 friendship with her"
"No way, you're lucky as he'll man"
by Josh Gropin' May 1, 2014
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friendship personified by a cock, what everyone loves
i shoved my friendship dick in my partners loving butt
by grand_dad October 11, 2018
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