Some is super sus and it might be red. Another term for a sussy baka
"Omg glizzy is such a Sussy Amoung us Chungus BAKA "
by Keanu reaves chingus 69 October 22, 2021
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A cheddar chungus is when you put ez-cheez on her cheeks before you start clappin.
Before we start babe, get the spray cheese. I want some cheddar chungus tonight
by JimmyDeansPeen November 16, 2020
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An ancient, ANCIENT, ANCIENT phrase that was used in the big changas CULT, yep you heard right "changas" not "chungus" anyways it was used as a ritual to recieve a blessing from big chungus
Mmmmmm "Chunga wunga bunga biggie chungus
chunga wunga bunga Mr big chungus hmmmmmmmm munga chunga bunga uh wungaa BIG CHUNGUS BIG BIG CHUNGUS I COMMAND YOU TO BLESS THIS GAMING CONSOLE TO SURVIVE MY RAGE".
by Crack adult December 18, 2022
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A picture of Uncle Moe with Nick Molnar’s face edited onto it.
Hey look at my new contact picture for Nick Molnar it’s combined the current big chungus joke we’d been saying earlier and has uncle moe in it therefore making him uncle chungus, this is really good.
by Read911 August 8, 2021
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Tying 2 buttholes together and shitting in one another for days
You and a significant other (friend,family, or lover) Slart Chungus
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