It is a dictatorship lead by Barney as their chug leader with three chug advisors, one chugger, one chug general, and two chug soldiers. The ritual would be to chug a drink every weekday. There is also a TOS that protects the privacy of the people in the group.
The Daily Chug is a cult.
by TheOnlyMexican February 12, 2021
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A male's whole genital area AKA genitals.
includes dick & bollocks.
Hey girls look at his man-chug.
I'd like a bit of that man-chug.
by Poopie09 August 17, 2006
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The act of giving a toast with or to your friends via Social media.

(Chugging bourbon straight from the bottle)
Amine : Did you see BSM baby chug last night

Andrew: shit son that was a man chug !
by Sign team six June 21, 2021
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A chug sandwich is two pieces bread with a dick that is wider than it is long in between..
by Dadsspagetti May 8, 2019
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When someone is pigging out and trying to eat an absurd amount of food they are being a Chug-a-Lug.
Stop eating so much food you little Chug-a-Lug.
by LaCearne November 23, 2022
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To slurp a drink loudly and exhale with a smug look on your face. Best done when annoying someone.
Me: I hate hanging out with Bill, he always does the smug chug.
Bill: *ssssssllluuuuurrrp* aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh *glare*
by TripTrippinson July 3, 2013
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