Someone who hates everything that doesn't belong to the plain world of straight people. Very often, the homophobe is a closeted gay/lesbian who is scared of people to think bad about his/her sexuality, and especially when there is something that dislikes, acts in such an extreme hateful way that looks like mere theater.
A Gay masculine boy is hanging around at a city square. He wears a white T-shirt, a light brown leather jacket and skinny jeans. Suddenly another boy with hip hop like dressings, hearing shitty rap looks at the gay one.

-Open up ya mouth, fucking faggot cause you will like my cokc, pervert race!(grabs violently the neck of the youth in jacket and shakes it).

The gay one could get away and after that, punches the homophobic's liver.
-Fuck you homophobe I know well you are also gay, stupid hypocrite!!!

by Teh Wolfboy July 14, 2017
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A Heterosexual, Human being, that is afraid of the gay and will never stop whining about being a homophobe.
A: guys im a homophobe i bully the gya cause i dont like!!!1
B: Okay, but, who asked?
by Stoll447 September 27, 2021
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People who are scared of people who are LGBTQ+.
Gay couple: *exist*
Gay Couple: Theres a homophobe lets get out of here.
by help im in a basement July 22, 2022
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Asshole Manchilds
Dude A: y'know that guy?
Dude B: yeah?
Dude A: he's definitely a homophobe
by Boridge December 27, 2022
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Me: Man I hate gay people!
Blue Haired Person: You Homophobe Bigot!
(This is a joke do not cancel me liberals)
by 69Gaykiller69(nottrue) October 6, 2023
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Yx and TehNubNess on RuneScape are great examples, ganging up on players to harass them, and exploiting the in-game report tool to try and get others banned for being lgbt.
Yx and TehNubNess, just message them in game to find out what a homophobe is.
by Yx Is A POS March 31, 2023
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A fatherless person who pulls 0 bitches
Person 1:“I heard john is a Homophobe”
Person 2:”thats really sad
by someone who has a father June 9, 2022
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