Typically used to describe men who have been convicted of knife crime on fetus's.
Dont let that guy near the maternity ward!!.. he's a fetus shanker!
by Amadeus1982 July 29, 2019
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Person 1: yo rachel you should yeetis that fetus

Person2: I cant its illegal

Person 1: not In my garage
by Nobodycalledyoutoday February 12, 2020
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when two small children, who are so small and young that they can be also classified as 'fetuses', participate in pre-pubic sex. This could be any small child who has not hit puberty yet.
"I heard Nancy lets her kids fetus link in the basement." -nancy's neighbor

Charlie: "Mom, can I spend the night at carly's house?"
Mom: "as long as you don't fetus link!"
by Mark Tang June 13, 2008
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A man who acts like a child.
Ella: C’mon, let’s fuck!
Steve: But what if something bad happenes?
Ella: Jeez, you’re acting like A Grown Fetus.
by OhThatMan April 30, 2018
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The pre-birth slang term for the thing growing inside Ashlee Simpson/Wentz. Often used (and parodied) by fobr boardies.
I wonder when Fetus Wentz will actually get BORN.
by F Wentz November 5, 2008
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A bad animator that post his bad animations on youtube for the sole reason of "yes"
Person: why did emperor fetus upload another animation?
Emperor Fetus: yes
by rtx morshu March 9, 2022
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