Carrot filling is when you take a bag of baby carrots and put a carrot in every hoLe of your body for pleasure. Nose, ears, butt (no exception) the act of the carrots filling your body gives you huge amounts of pleasure
"I told Becky I was into carrot filling, and the next time she came over to smash she brought a bag of baby carrots, I knew that night was going to be so hot"
by Brookzie August 17, 2017
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When a woman wants you to be a dad to her child but isn't sure. So she leaves you instead of taking the chance.
Yo man be careful you're not just a fill-in-dad.....
by Wirthman86 January 5, 2019
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This situation normally occurs with men who move to Texas. Previously, they may have had a light bodily frame. Upon moving to Texas, they fill out with that healthy cornbread glow, looking extra thick and fine. We call that a Texas Fill Out.
"Have you seen Logan since he moved to Texas?"

"No, why?"

"Boy's got that Texas Fill Out!"
by Welovetexas August 27, 2022
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A horribly infected pussy.A Cheese Whiz dripper.
I'm not eating that custard filled croissant. Hard to tell what STDs that thang has.
by wolfbait51 June 6, 2011
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when kids run out off juice in there juul pods which they call empties they get bottles of vape juice and pop the top of a juul pod out and refill it with vape juice
Tommy- hey u got any empties

Jake- yea

Tommy- ight I got juice in my room lets go make some fills
by sand0326 December 4, 2019
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When someone takes fill he wants to play support.
by cedricj December 3, 2016
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