This is a real unicorn. Following up on the Tom Segura "double pipe classic", this takes it one step further. This event is a once in a lifetime type of event. When a person burps, farts, and sneezes at the same time, it is known as a Halley's Vomit. While it is more rare than Halley's Comet, Halley's Vomit usually wreaks of vodka and dumpster.
Guy A - "Uh, did you see that man just sneeze, shart and burp on national TV?"
Guy B- "He dropped a Halley's vomit right into the camera!"
Guy A - "Oh shit, is that Wendy Williams?"
Guy B - "I dont know what his fucking name is, I just know he dropped a Halley's Vomit"
by MommyJeans March 24, 2021
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When you are being deepthroated too hard they choke and throw up onto your dick. Making your cock reek of vomit for days.
Joel: "yo, did you hear Oli got vomit cock last night"
Dan: "k"
by BirdShitter January 7, 2016
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my dog just threw up all over my fucking chair wtf. Little fucker is not gonna have any food tonight.
by Pieceofshit43 May 6, 2020
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Vomit that has entered the scrotum usually caused by trauma
He was punched in the stomach so hard, his scrotum filled with scrotal vomit.
by MI ballsaac July 12, 2022
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The act of a given person's scrotum filling with vomit
John's stomach was punched so hard, his ballsack was filled with scrotal vomit
by MI ballsaac July 6, 2022
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when one spooges all over ones stomoch during spooning.
chick "omg spoonin :P"
dude "shit premature!"
chick 'OH NO Lick it up!"
dude "what frog vomit it?"
by pube_master_of_doom November 8, 2007
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