An expression used to convey disappointment and sympathy for a situation or occurrence so rough that nothing can be done to make it better. Synonymous with "that's rough" or "that sucks".
Friend A: I just was 320 points away from beating a level in Candy Crush, but I lost.
Friend B: Rough with that.
by don't call me honey June 16, 2013
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A person who is a lower class citizen. Most likely smells of cannabis and urine. Wears no form of hygiene products, and does not often see water. Dirt under their nails and a filthy mannered person. As much social standing and the etiquette as a hog for slaughter (although tasty with apple sauce from the apples in grannys garden)
Sadly often quoted by people who wish to insult those who are nothing but awesome. And love the most important people to them. Such a shame
You are are a dirty rough girl
by Leepee December 10, 2017
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British Slang for describing when something is unpleasant, typically when one is feeling rough and unwell.

Originally linked from the term “Rough house” which meant pub/bar.
“Woke up this morning feeling rough as houses


“The place we went last night was rough as houses
by Pilot123a October 4, 2022
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any baby animal or human babies playing, running, falling down, banging into each other.
The way those rough-n-tumbles play, you would think one of them would be hurt or crying.
by sercybrownstrange April 14, 2017
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A period without sex, having taken long without having sex.
I'm having a rough patch, it's been 57days
by I Kent biliv mayais February 21, 2023
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Somebody who tries to out rough everybody else even though people that know them well know they're a clown.
He/she was too rough to be true, that must be why the music and lifestyle fizzled out of popularity.
by Solid Mantis October 23, 2020
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