Loud Latinos, often found in large groups outside the bodega at night;

Known to fill vehicles past recommended capacity.
Look at all them water crickets packed in that Honda!
by Rell Mars November 21, 2018
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When you're having anal sex with someone and you owe into their asshole.
I was having sex with Stephen and decided to Christen him with a brown water navy.
by gmer4thrones March 12, 2019
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When someone drinks way too much of a certain beverage. Usually an unhealthy one.
Girl: “What’s with you and Red Bull? You drink it like water!”

Boy: “And you drink cum like water.”
by captain_boi July 28, 2021
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When your raging alcoholic relative named Rob pours himself a glass that is 90% Vodka and 10% Water.

"Whatcha got there Rob?"
"Some water."
"My God man, this is totally a glass of Vodka!"
"Didn't say it was all water."
"We'll just agree to call this Rob water."
by Derpy Leaf Horse July 28, 2019
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When you are even worse than a Douche Bag. You ARE the Douche Water. It's one thing to be the bag that flushes the bad stuff out of the vagina, it's another to be the nasty water that comes out of it.
You are such an asshole that I can't even call you a Douche Bag. You are the Douche Water dude.
by veggiegator July 5, 2013
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When someone jumps off a diving board or gets ejected out of a water slide and then you dive right into the slide as well right after them and land on top of them and almost risk hurting them.
I water toppled my little brother but we survived. He is a pretty good and skilled swimmer.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018
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