the state of being strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling
"the toughness of steel"
by hcuck hcidgsg jkln May 18, 2021
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A guy called mick who usually is found drive in a commodore or similar vehicles and drinks 2 cartons of beer a week.
“Look at mick over there in his car, he thinks he’s a tough guy doesn’t he!”
by Blokes and their zinger boxes September 22, 2022
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A guy called mick, who usually drives a commodore, who thinks he’s tough and usually drinks 2 cartons of beer a week.
“Look at mick over there in his car, he thinks he’s a tough guy doesn’t he!)
by Blokes and their zinger boxes September 22, 2022
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A male, typically on the older spectrum, who feels the need to represent their masculinity -or "toughness"- at any given moment. They do this in a violent manner, often with threats, physical combat, destruction of property, etc. These people are always fighting for something incorrect which makes them disliked by normal people. Their natural habitat varies but they are most stereotypically associated with Walmart, parking lots, and other food/shopping chains.
"That guy's trying to fight an innocent person. He seems to want to assert male dominance here in this Walmart. He MUST be a tough guy."
by Dude with time. July 6, 2021
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When stuff is tough, life is tough etc. for the girls and gays, and the queens and queers to use

Invented 1950s or sometin
Jack: I dont wanna take this class man
Teacher: Tough Titties, Jack
by dbjkdbskbf August 30, 2020
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Quote from Little Shop of Horrors (Arguably the best musical film of its time):

"Plant: Feed me!
Seymour: No! No more! I can't take living with the guilt!
Plant: Tough titty!
Seymour: You watch your language!

Plant: Aw, cut the crap! Bring on THE MEAT!"
by Bullcharge31 March 26, 2023
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It’s like saying “It is as bad as nails in your feet
“Man I stubbed my toe” ... “tough nailsdude”
by Emojify com February 14, 2018
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