when the chongo bongo farfa berfe caca pepor cola abuela fly fritos pepor boingy garngob
omg where patty fral

it “ caca fani caca zucchini hoinges ” ham
by karby paty June 22, 2021
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It is described as a disgusting, revolting or even a slightly bad smell.
example, “ That smells like ma-caca 😢” or if you find something, “ That’s ma-caca”
by Lustrouxxxx January 5, 2022
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it's a butt and/or butthole
Bye Jacob, I have to go wipe my caca generator!
by chocalate spit September 15, 2021
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'La caca' is a term used to insult someone.
Person 1- You smell like la caca, you need to shower
Person 2- Shut up you big la caca.
by ghostlyseren January 25, 2021
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eats ur caca in your sleep, and brings his friend {but cheak licker man}, but cheake licker man lick and claps ur ass in ur sleep!!
ahh its caca man 123 and but cheak licker man oh fuck i better run
by hi guys i hate carson September 9, 2021
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