A characteristic that determines if you will "beat it up". This relates to a woman physical features. If the woman's Elbows are too pointy it makes her less attractive.
Pointy Elbows for the loss.

I can't beat it up... Her elbow's are too pointy...
by Phil Collins Senior August 5, 2006
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1. (adj.) An esp. stupid person who may or may not be your boss. Often associated with managers and stupid bosses, the phrase was coined in the daily comic strip "Dilbert" by Scott Adams, in which Dilbert's boss (Pointy-Haired Boss happened to be his name) had a pointy, devil-horn-like haircut and was especially stupid and over-promoted.
1. Our new mission statement is "We envision to authoritatively foster quality intellectual capital while maintaining the highest standards." Whoever made that up must have been pointy-haired.
by dvdwinter9 January 5, 2007
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Used as code word for protruding nipples through a tight T-Shirt especially when very cold
Sticky Pointys is a code word for blokes to oogle a fine pair of breasts, usually a very busty female with exceptionally large nipples, but keeps them under wraps for fear of being staired at.
by Quis Maffuse August 10, 2006
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Sharp, pointy breasts that are liable to poke your eye out or puncture anything they touch.

During an early stage of puberty, many girls get pointy tits. It's a normal stage that they will soon grow out of (hopefully). If she's a full-grown woman and still has pointy tits, something is wrong.
If you've seen the original Batman movie, you know what pointy tits are (look at Catwoman).
by MaximusPrime February 24, 2008
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A friendly term refering to the lovely people of Cornwall who are all related to Pixies and Elves. These small people always wore pointed hats and hence the nickname.
Oy Pointy head, whats upwith your heed.
by DickieD July 11, 2006
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A characteristic that determines if you will "beat it up". This usually relates to a woman.
Pointy Elbows for the loss.

I can't beat it up... Her elbow's are too pointy...
by Phil Collins Senior August 5, 2006
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another name for a rat or other rodent. From the cult animation, The Simpsons, where Ralph gets bitten by a rat
by Heather S. April 6, 2006
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