Minder's OutCasts. An Australian clan of gamers who play battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield 1942. A split off of the clan -=AXL=- (Australian eXtreme Legion), who were themselves a split off of Australian Strike Eagles. Currently headed by BigPooch, MOC is a friendly social clan with a reputation for fair play and teamwork.
Look at those OutCasts go!
by Silent_Wolf August 30, 2007
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Someone who is constantly made-fun of at school for neumorus reasons.
Because she was an outcast, young Crystal felt she could take the teasing no longer and decided to kill herself.
by Anonymous July 17, 2003
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A FLECK of skin that falls off the backside of humanity.
Iam "Get it? A. Fleck?"

Hym "What is the appropriate response to what is actively being done to me? We are all inherently constrained but I should be constrained even further beyond the norm. Are my ideas that dangerous?"

Iam "Hey, did you get the reference? A. Fleck?"

Hym "Will you shut up? As I was saying, I'm an outcast. A team of 1..."

Iam "Hey!"

Hym "Yes, Yes! You're a special and important butterfly. You're on the team too. Feel better?"

Iam "..... No...."

Hym "Ok..."

Iam "Hey, I just thought of something... You know, I didn't intend for you to be negatively associated with me. If I didn't give you credit for something it wasn't out of spite."

Hym "Can't I finish? If you and you alone found out that Einstein stole the theory of relatively would you still hold that position? Who cares who wrote it? The theory is good so accept the tertiary role you've been assigned by the horde?"
by Hym Iam April 26, 2022
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common missspelling of the rap group "outkast"
A: i got a outcast cd
B: its outkast you dyke
by jewsus April 19, 2005
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A social outcast/outcast
is some'one who has no friends and prefars to be alone.This term is given to a loner.
Joe sat reading his book in the corner he had no friends only his books.He never talked to anyone and Craig thought he was a social outcast,outcast( A loner)
by DeathNotexx December 10, 2008
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Someone who is either shunned by gossip or chooses to live like a solitary individual.
My sister Tracy, lives like an outcast and it's funny she actually thinks I should be one. Which makes her a narcissist.
by Furmanski February 11, 2019
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