Man: so are you ladies interested in allowing me to suck your toes for $700?
Girl 1: ummm NI creep fuck off
Girl 2: meet me in the stairway in 10
by seven head June 27, 2019
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Word screamed out by orgasming Japanese women. Often heard on hentai.
Ni, ni, ni! Oh, Koizumi-senpai!
by Hobbitgoth February 20, 2011
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a nickname for a cutie pie. she’s so sweet and beautiful. a pure lil shawty
see that cutie over there? that’s my ni!
by whatsacrunchyroll April 4, 2018
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Idk. Jeremy miles made it, ask him
by Ppppp1111 September 25, 2018
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"Non-Interactive Scene"
Primarily used in the games industry to describe a cutscene where the players control of the character has been temporarily deactivated to watch a series of events.
Dude, did you see that NIS where that zombie jumps out the hallway and knocks you down the stairs? I totally papped myself.
by Gimble Shanks July 14, 2006
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