loser, jerk, moron, ECT.

a complete and total moron.

a person lacking intelect.
OMG Bob is a total hoser!
by Niko-las Morato February 21, 2006
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We were in a Canadian hotel, and in the hallways a bunch of feminine guys were making a lot of noise. Keep it down you good for nothing hosers.
by Crazy Canadians November 22, 2012
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Any bloke from Hackney, especially if his name is Vinny.
I was in Puerto Escondido on vacation fro two months...Ay cabron! You're nothing but a bloody hoser!
by bacocho April 9, 2011
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hoser equals the american use of idiot.
You're all a bunch of fucking hosers.
by Laura February 12, 2005
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American military (Navy) slang term referring to someone who performs felatio on men.
"If I see you two together any more often than I do, I'll start wondering which of you is the hoser."

or, as per Canadian

"Don't be such a hoser."
by Adrian Palmer April 6, 2005
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Someone who did something stupid that demands satisfaction!
You hoser Billy...you screwed us over bad.
by Joel July 10, 2004
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