1. A variation of oral sex, typically found in nursing homes, in which the person giving the blow job has no teeth. Typically, dentures will be removed prior to initiation, hence the namesake "George Washington," the man with wooden teeth.
My grandpa will not shut up about the George Washingtons he is getting at his new nursing home.
by scrots-G January 11, 2010
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after intercoarse, when a lover lets loose on the woman's teeth, creating a "pair of dentures" for her to wear
We gave her a George Washington last night when she passed out.
by advair May 17, 2010
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When a girl masturbates with a roll of quarters.

when a man jerks off with a roll quarters in his ass.
That george washington i had last night was the best ten dollars i ever spent.
by Harry Fishburger December 12, 2010
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When an old woman with a massive white bush powders the balls of a man and they happen upon reverse cowgirl.mmm
While penetration is taking place one may look down and see George Washington's face.
Dude your Grandma totally gave me a George Washington last night.
by rockinGRANNIE$ August 21, 2010
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You: ayo yk George Washington

Some dumbass : George Washington who?
You: George washin a ton of deez nut in your mouth
by No gay , man May 15, 2021
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George Washington was obviously the first president of the U.S. As of 2019 he was born 287 years ago.
Calling someone a George Washington is the same as calling them old.
'George Washington looking bitch'- Hodgetwins talking about an 88 year old.
by 0zymandiasI February 28, 2019
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When a man chops off his balls and staples them to another man's forehead.
Brandon George Washingtoned Alex.
by Reddick January 8, 2011
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