Something a band releases that has a handful of songs on it
My band hasnt made an EP...because we suck
by RetardedGuest September 23, 2010
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A Latin male that fucks alot - prostitutes, strippers, grandmas and hot girls alike - only goal is to skeet - wears vivid eel skin rubbers and is a bad ass bitch. Uppercuts the vaginal region on loose women
EPS did those bitches so dirty.
by Eric Pineda March 14, 2005
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This is what happens when you drive your truck into the clay next to a lake and when everyone shows up to pull you out you blame it on your girlfriend.
We were idiots and decided to pull an epping.
by couth sleuth September 21, 2010
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Stands for Extended Play and is used to describe an album.
I bought an EP cd of my favorite band.
by melissa October 3, 2004
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some fat jews who spend their days talking about monsters
the eps talks about didimons all the time. i said "what are didimons?" and they said "your a punk ass tron."
by fatty January 20, 2005
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(Effortless Pudding)
Can be used to mean whatever you want, but most common in a negative or sarcastic way. Can be a noun or adjective.
*Paul tells a corny joke, but people dont laugh*
"Wow Paul, that was really EP"

"Don't be an EP"
"She's kind of EP"
"Best dessert I've ever had. Super EP"
by Bobisrealycool December 12, 2017
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Shortend version of "episode"
"I can't wait for the next ep, why did it have to be a cliffhanger"
by Melbell September 3, 2005
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