A so called man who is always making promises of when they'll come spend time with their child but never shows up even though they live 15 minutes away. Always has lame excuses to why they Never spend time with their child And only gives the bare minimum amount of financial help. Even though they know they can do more but choose to Leave everything to the mother.
Mom: When are you gonna spend time with ur son?
Deadbeat Dad: Oh i will next week. Monday! I promise.
Mom: Hello you never showed up to get ur son.

Deadbeat Dad: I was hanging with my friends all night and im to tired. I'll get him next week.

........Never shows up, has new excuses.
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Someone who gets made at their babymama and wants nothing to do with the kid. A punk ass bitch who needs to step up... then will get mad when their child calls another man "daddy".
He's so mad at his babymama he said "fuck it" and became a deadbeat dad.
by A'Mon March 26, 2017
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A term used for someone who sleeps refuses to take responsibility for his ex's poor life choices. If put in the mom's position, a "Deadbeat Dad" would take responsibility and make the sensible choice of having an abortion rather than having a baby with someone that wants nothing to do with the baby and using morality as an excuse.
Joey doesn't want the baby but Jesus says I can't get an abortion. What a deadbeat dad!

I could have used birth control or the morning after pill, but I like not thinking so instead I allowed myself to get pregnant with my son, chose not to have an abortion and it's all his deadbeat dad's fault!
by johnnyrocket92 April 19, 2019
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On August 4, this is the day that we all press F for respects to the deadbeat dads that were never there for us.
“Today is National Deadbeat Dad Day, a day of remembrance for all the fallen fathers that failed to return home from the ‘getting some milk’ battle.”
by Iced milk August 3, 2019
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Like any other breakup, separation or divorce, dogs are just as sensitive as the children and can be quite affected by this ending of a relationship. They will never understand and you can never explain what has happened and what will happen. If you’re lucky, the “Dog Dad” still wants to be a loving and financially supporting person in their lives, but many times this does not happen and this is what is called a “Deadbeat Dog Dad.”

A “Deadbeat Dog Dad” is a dad that willingly, carelessly, distastefully and hurtfully neglects any emotional stability, housing, healthcare and overall financial support for the animals that he was a partner in bringing into a once loving home. For many men, it’s “out of sight, out of mind!”

A “Deadbeat Dog Dad” is also a person that gives up on his dog for no good reason and gives his dog away, drops his dog at the shelter or dumps his dog on the street when he no longer wants “that” responsibility.

They have their own internal clocks and continue to mope and wait as the days go by, with nothing that can be done to make them feel better, or make them understand.

Eventually, your doggy may give up on the hope of his or her daddy coming home, but this doesn't mean that he will ever be forgotten.

With all of this occurring, it is a heartless situation for the dog, because once that person is gone, those habits, routines and rituals that were once dear to their hearts, can never be emotionally satisfied or replicated.
"Deadbeat Dog Dad"

Having the love of an animal companion has such unlimited rewards and it is a privilege, an honor and it comes with great responsibility. Dogs are so trusting and look up to us for what they need to live, thrive and survive. There should be a law that prohibits these men from shirking this responsibility, this escape of obligation and love. At first glance it may be difficult for others to understand, but for the dog, this loss is as emotionally devastating as a child’s loss of his father.

When a car pulls up, when the garage door opens, when a car door shuts, when the alarm is set, when a gate is opened and closed, when the front door is opened, they expect to see their “Dog Dad” and when it’s not him, your doggy may retreat back into depression. Dogs are quite prone to routines and rituals and, as you know, when you leave the house for a few hours, or even go on a vacation, your sitter often tells you that they were not able to eat, were sad, got depressed and seemed lost; but, it’s even worse when the day comes when that daddy your dogs love so much just doesn't come home anymore.
by Hydemee March 23, 2014
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