by nick alvinator October 7, 2004
Similar to the cunt punt, a cooter booter is when you kick someone in the cooter because they have wronged you, pissed you off, or are a disgrace to humanity.
by AngelaMay blahhaha November 30, 2007
Booter crunk is the nasties sickest thing ever. It means anything and everything you want it to...if ur cool if your a douchebag then dont even bother saying it
walking down teh hall mike sees simon they both say booter crunk no one knows hwy but the world seems like a better place
by wow..your..fat! September 18, 2006
by cooooooooooooooooooooooooollll November 24, 2006
What script kiddies of HackForums uses to boot people offline. Usually not realizing that it shouldn't be called PuTTy booter but instead a VPS Booter.
by Infinity[8 sideways] October 13, 2011
Like a "booter" only with hip, or chest, waders. Imagine getting cold water trapped to you up to your bellybutton. That's a Super Booter!
by privd1 May 28, 2012
One who relocates from a rural to an urban environment in a misguided attempt to become more "civilized". The name is derived from that individual's inability to fully assimilate to their new environment, specifically in their ability to choose appropriate footwear for certain events.
Office Snob: OMG! Did you see what that Muck Booter in the office/cubicle down the hall was wearing today?
Liberal Yuppy: Yeah...unfortunately I'm not surprised. She is also the type of person that would name her dog after a gun.
Liberal Yuppy: Yeah...unfortunately I'm not surprised. She is also the type of person that would name her dog after a gun.
by Lumberjack192 January 10, 2014