To adhere so fervently to the concept of preaching the bible to unwanting masses that you become a nuisance: bible thumper (see also: bible beater, Christ's commandos, jesus "listen to the word" your christ)
I was enjoying my afternoon, until i saw a bible-thumper on my walk. I didnt even see that book coming for my head till THWAPP

by OnlyMalkavian March 3, 2020
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1.n. A Christian who shares their religious beliefs with another in hopes of converting them.
2.n. A Christian who chooses to follow the Bible in its entirety, instead of picking and choosing which parts most conviently fit their current lifestyle. They live their life to fit the Bible, instead of twisting their interpretation of the Bible so they can still sin and not feel as guilty. They are often ridiculed for living as the Bible allows and trying to convert others.
That preacher was called a Bible thumper for handing out tracts to people in the community.
by Rachel July 20, 2004
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Delusional kingdom minded Jesus freaks. Nuts that lay hands on you,speak gibberish,say in the name of God and bam seriously believe they have healed you from anything from illness to trauma. Also known as a Bible Nazi. They also try to persuade you into believing Obama is a demon,that the end of the world is coming very soon and you can use the Holy Spirit to guide you to where you need to be if separated by your friends because they are delusional . Seriously mental patients who believe watching regular TV will rot your brain.
If that bible thumper lays a finger on me again I will rip them inside out by their asshole.
by Fake it till ya make it May 27, 2015
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A bible thumper is someone that believes in God, someone that reads the bible, someone that quotes the bible, someone that turns to the bible for guidance
Ron Paul is a Bible Thumper because he quotes biblical text in his discussions.
by celticagent October 8, 2009
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Someone who loves God and tells everyone about his presence based on the bible and the greatness of him in a very positive light.
She studies the bible so much she must be a great bible thumper.
by therealdeal007 March 7, 2015
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Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Man, you guys really hate Christianity don't you?
by betterthanyouguy November 11, 2004
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1. A person who follows the Bible, and is Chrisitan. Someone who goes by "the book" (:

2. A mean and cruel nickname for a Christian.
"Hey, man. Have you gone to church lately?"
"Priests these days! JUst leave me alone, bible thumper."
"Sunday mass, son!"
by Bland Fruitjuice(: February 3, 2010
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