Hott...awsome actor n just an awesome Guy for my friend megan!!
by Brooke September 15, 2004
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Ashton Kutcher - Became an Instant dad the moment he got on with Demi Moore. (See Instant Dad)
Mother fucking ashton kutcher, the guy that became instant dad because he is with demi moore who is a 40 something year old MILF that's still pretty OK looking.
by RandomScaper July 8, 2009
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when you're about to bone a dude you don't really want to bone, so you make a fake vagina with your hands, and the dude gets punk'd by your fake vagina.
I was so drunk last night and I ended up at home with Brad, so I had to ashton kutcher him so he would leave my apartment.
by spread mollusk September 2, 2017
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