a form of sex education that is with holding facts about sex. then tell you if you follow it you are "smart". smart people have a mind of their own and will do research and realize ABSTINENCE IS A GOVERNMENT POLICY ON SEX EDUCATION THAT HAS FAILED. dont believe me? do some research. think of this, how many pregenate porn stars do you see???
jeff- can you believe john is abstinence??

fred- not that supraising, he also believed other things without any research. like his whole, Obama is a musslim thing.

Jeff- good point. isnt that how the Nazi party was found?

Fred- it is. people not being told all the facts and believing it cuz "if you did, then your smart"

Jeff- haha. Absizs

Fred- LAWL
by godismybestfriend March 28, 2009
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One of the most effective, and least entertaining* ways of not getting some bitch preggers. Over 98% of practicioners wear either chastity belts or "DC Talk" tshirts.

*The most entertaining method is anal.
She didn't even blow him! And he married her! What a fag.
by A.Hetherington April 1, 2005
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When you’ve lost your sex life through being a poor specimen of a human being at that point in time, and now you boast about abstination because you got the word wrong, but basically it means you have to abstain from sex because you can’t get any anymore anyway and instead you now practice lots of masturbation… i.e. Abstin-ation. Stinger for you friend!
“No, to be honest, I’m very good these days, and I practice abstination.”
by TellItLikeItIsLass August 22, 2021
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Although this word is most often associated with food, beverage, profanity and sex. Abstinence is a deliberate conduct and runs rather parallel to the words indulge, gluttony and hoarding. Something negated is still something indeed. Keeping to the school of thought that the mind fails to register the words no or not(or its variations), Do not think of pink elephants!.. All three are characterized by excess and culpability. One can not and does not abstain from what one does not internally seeks(to avoid what one seeks is abstinence).
Clinton's abstinence from Monica's lips were in part due to her oral report on the lengthy wood project she undertook beneath his desk. As for me it is not an issue as I do not know her and have never had the privilege.
by Mandy Kimple November 20, 2015
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To withold sex from a significant other but with an ulterior motive.
My husband is being an asshole lately so I'm abstinating. Fuck him!
by Mel2018 December 5, 2017
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Something a masochist would do.
He was sad and bored because he engaged in abstinence.
by Lexington April 1, 2005
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Saying you don't want to have sex so you can hide your cubic genitalia.
"I don't have balls, I have cubes, that's why I say I practise Abstinence , I just want to pretect the ones I love"

by tinted swest June 14, 2010
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