The best leader to ever exist. No one can out beat him
Vladimir Putin is definitely not forcing me to write this
by Definitely not a Russian agent October 22, 2020
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A Russian scientist who discovered the ability to clone himself, as a result of which he can run for "president" unlimited times
p1:have you seen Vladimir Putin C-137 he said he will resign

by mcbabuka January 18, 2021
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Someone like Donald Trump who you will talk mad shit about them over social media and the TV, then when you see them in the flesh you completely remain silent because he will win that fight.
Ron to Zack: There's that punk ass Cody, what a cuck. (Ron then comes within 5 feet of Cody and pretends he doesn't exist). Zack to Ron: wow dude you just made Cody look like Vladimir Putin.
by stainless67 February 25, 2022
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Vladimir Putin is Russia's lord an savior. He is in no way corrupt or evil, and he is in no way forcing me to type this. Vladimir Putin is undoubtedly the worlds greatest president, who strives to do whats best for the people, his country, and the world.
Person 1: Vladimir Putin is the greatest president of all time.
Person 1: Vladimir Putin is the greatest president of all time.
Person 1: Vladimir Putin is the greatest president of all time.
Person 1: Vladimir Putin is the greatest president of all time.
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i hate this man, hes the worst fcking idiot on this planet, he probably has a mental disorder, i want to sho0t myself every time i see him, fvck putin, u look like an albino bat u slvt ahs wh0re man baby, stop attacking ukraine u ugly b1tch slvt.
person a: wtaf that whore is on tv again
person b: ikr what a fucking douche, i hate vladimir putin
by koryoryoryory March 1, 2022
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"president"(Tsar) of Russia Federation(Russia Empire)
Boss of Donald "orangeman" Ivanovich Trump, 45th "president" of the USA(Actually the lead source for Russian intelligent service in USA)
Poisoned Alexei Navalny buy putting nerve agents in his underwear(sike)
"President of Russia, Vladimir Putin"
by Mike Rhodeicks, Chicago, IL February 10, 2021
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My loyalty to Vladimir Putin shall not end until my death, I shall live and die in his honor. He is the sword in the darkness. The shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to Vladimir Putin, for this day and all the days to come.
Person 1: Vladimir Putin is our lord and savior.
Person 2: YES
by VladimirPutin's Right-hand-man February 22, 2021
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