The act of putting a firecracker in ones penis and then sticking it in his spouses anus and then starts brutally fucking while it's lit
A- hey my man wanna firecracker later?
B- yes I'd love to firecracker ur tight little ass later;)
by Jack was here. January 20, 2017
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(fy-ur-crak-ur) n. Derogative term for an indian american.
Man: Each year I go out and get some fireworks from the Firecrackers down at the Reservation.
by Grandmother Smith July 30, 2010
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A very pale-skinned person with red hair. See ginger
Ron Weasley is friggin' white!
--Yeah, what a firecracker!
by erintr0n September 28, 2008
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A burning white person or a white person who has been blown up with explosives!
"You should have seen all those American firecrackers get taken out by a Russian airstrike"
"Shut up, before we light you up, firecracker!"
by User666999 September 19, 2019
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A Prairie Firecracker is when the women your are with is on her period. While having anal intercourse, you simultaneously pull out her tampon. The string of the tampon acts as the wick while the removal creates the bloody explosion.
While having anal sex with my girlfriend, I gave her a Prairie Firecracker.
by PR Jr. March 18, 2017
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Normally occurs at the tail-end of an upset-stomach deuce. When you fire off a bunch of quick-hitting farts, in a firecracker pattern, with no substance or stink with the sound being amplified by the toilet bowl.
HeJohn says to HimDavid, "Stay away from the taco-truck today, just took a hot'n'steamy logger with the Firecracker Farts encore at the end!"
by rw2019 May 9, 2019
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Sex act in which Pop rocks candy and Irish whiskey are poured (usually with the aid of a funnel) into the rectum, whilst the receiving person is finger banging a hooker!
Pete and Molly did the Dublin Firecracker last night.
by Ahshemoto January 8, 2020
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