"God Bless all the skaters that have the balls to skateboard."

A direct quote from a hobo in one of the 411 videos...
Eric Koston: im going to kill myself on this 360 flip to noseblunt down this 10 stair.
Rick Mcrank: at least you have the balls to try it.
by Tyler N. March 20, 2004
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The best thing that has ever happened to me. It keeps me from alcohol,drugs,gangs,and any other dumb shit like that.
by skateman April 29, 2005
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My definition of skateboarding is it's something that free's your mind from all worries it gives you hope and dreams and goals. It's about the laughter and fun of just chillin with your friends and running from cops and sometimes causeing havic. (Hey if you bail don't let that stop you from doing something. You get back up and you just keep going for it. Cause ill never give up in skateboarding till my legs fall off.)
My hole day in skateboarding is just wake up when ever you feel like it eat then go meet a few friends skate chill skate get something to eat then skate chill run from the pigs and skate then go to sleep about 4 or 5 in the morning.
by Joker April 12, 2004
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A person who actually skates for the love of skateboarding(like me), and not just for the sport, or to impress girls or say they're punk on any of that. People that really skate because they just love doing what they're doing, those people are the real skaters.
Skateboarder: Lets go check out that sweet new skate park!
Pretender: Ok if there are chicks that will be all over me and I can just stand there and look pretty with my board.
by Sk8 or Die March 12, 2006
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- A sport that only fucking homosexual bitches make fun of.

- An activity that takes a lot of commitment, balls and skill.
Look at those skateboarders, looks like they're having fun.
by kenobi September 24, 2003
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The love shared between a peice of wood and an artist. One without the other is nothing. When perfectly synched they become the best sport/artform known and understood by few in this giant skatepark called earth.
person: Whos your bestfriend?
skater: Skateboarding.
person: How can your skateboarding be your friend?
skater: You wouldn't understand.
by D-mec July 16, 2006
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There are 2 kinds:
1. Real skater, that respects other sports (BMX, aggressive skate). Usually, these people are decent skaters.
2. Poser. These people hate "spacewasters" and "fruitbooters" to assuage there own feelings of self loathing. These people can be found sitting on top of a quarterpipe, wondering if they might get hurt trying an ollie.
Poser: OMG! That faggot fruitbooter just ground 8 feet of pipe rail (coping). What a noob!
Skateboarder: Then do it.
Poser: I will, as soon as I figure out this whole dropping in thing.
by nicdagnome August 24, 2007
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