A Greek organization found on many university campuses nationwide.

Synonymous with: douche, tool, collar-popper, rapist, fuck-tard, clone, and bromosexual.

Commonly misconstrued as an organization built off ideals valuing the individuality of their brothers.
GDI: I'm thinking about going Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Any other Greek: Oh? How many collared shirts do you have?

GDI: I don't know... maybe 5?

Any other Greek: That will get you through the first day of Rush. Start investing and good luck.
by anyothergreek1 March 24, 2010
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a fraternity founded on the principal of having gelled hair two earring and teh same hollister/ambercrombie and fitch shirt
commonly refered to as sigma phi everyone
"wow, the sig ep's take anyone"
by bubba ray May 10, 2005
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Largest national fraternity. Based upon the three values: Using steroids, working out, and being douchebags. They are also commonly known as Sigma Phi Everyone because all you need to do to wear letters is to pay for them. They do not have a pledge program, they have you write a check, and you are in.
Man, that douchebag is roid raging out.

Yeah, he's in Sigma Phi Epsilong.
by NIU student April 19, 2007
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The biggest douche frat on any campus. They are known as a ruffie distribution center. Girls hate their parties because they are in constant fear of being raped. They are good at two things, letting everyone who has a pulse join and being douches.
Guy A: Sigma Phi Epsilon put a bid on me!
Greek A: Oh how many people in your pledge class?
Guy A: 45
Greek A: Oh, good luck with Sigma Phi Everyone.
by HereGreekyGreek October 5, 2010
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Largest douchebags ever. They think that they're all hot shit but they ain't. In fact, they don't do shit, except each each other's own shit. Quality frat boy bonding right there. I haven't met a single Sig Ep guy yet who possesses the high standards of decency and mannerisms that they hold themselves to. Realistically, if you're rich parents can write off a check, you're in.
Girl 1: Ugh! He was such a douchebag!

Girl 2: Wait, you mean a Sigma Phi Epsilon?

Girl 1: Yeah, that's what I meant! I just cannot even bear to say their name aloud.
by nofratshere March 18, 2011
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sigma alpha epsilon is a group of people in a greek organizaation that was founded in 1856
one of the coolest groups ofdudes
boys clubs.. what?!
most diverse
i thought about pledging for sigma alpha epsilon
by tuyshort February 1, 2008
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Thee Fattest Fucks at Ball State. They do not have any parties worth showing up to. They are hated by every frat on campus.
"Did you see the Sigma Alpha Epsilon get out his house with a diet coke, it sure is not helping his fat ass"
by Jakefree February 26, 2008
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