can be either male or female. A person who chooses to live a retro lifestyle. Someone who lives life with their mindset in the 80s or 90s time period. Wears retro fashion in a modern way, listens to electronica and has a passion for old video games and listens to music which can relate to the sounds of those of the 80s or 90s. Someone who lives the present in a yearning for the immediate past.
'Gwen Stefani has a unique retrosexual 90s based style'
by J.Ruiz July 24, 2008
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Any person who takes up too many traits and lifestyles from the eighties, seventies and before, and applies them to their life now. Rockabilly and sometimes retro/mod/etc fashioncore kids can be considered retrosexual. Retrosexual kids have a tendency to only go out with other retrosexual kids, therefore making it its own sexual preference.
Tomoko from the Brilliant Green, Seanbaby, and that chick from Peaches can be construed as retrosexual.
by loveCasiotone March 23, 2004
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a person who gets attracted to old people.
Madonna's new boyfriend is, without a doubt, a retrosexual.
by invictus2823 September 8, 2011
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A retrosexual is someone who used to be sexy. Someone who WAS considered sexy in the past, but is presently considered undesirable and unappealing by the general public. An individual may be labeled a retrosexual as a result of many different factors. Rapid aging, botched plastic surgery, or an inability to update his/her style with the current times are some factors that lead someone to be branded a retrosexual. One of the most salient features of the retrosexual, is that they were 'hot' or at their peak of desirability in a given era. They exemplify the style of the time period in which they were deemed sexy, but today they only appear as a sad timecapsule of a bygone era.
Particular examples of retrosexuals are as follows: Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, Burt Reynolds, Farrah Fawcett, Willie Ames, Leif Garret, Jared Leto, Axel Rose, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, and more recently, Brittney Spears.

A usage example: "Professor Jones would have been hot when he was younger. His peak must have been in the early 90s because he's still wearing cosby sweaters, checkered blazers, and an earring... what a retrosexual!"
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Someone who has sex with past sexual partners. A guy who has sex with his ex-girlfriends on a more or less regular basis may be considered a retrosexual.
"Whoa, Patrick is such a retrosexual, all he does is have sex with his ex-girlfriends!"
by n00m August 22, 2006
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A person who loves things retro like a NES or something like it
TCK:Come see my NES and SNES they are cool!!
Ozzy:God your such a Retrosexual
by The Console King December 4, 2005
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A Retrosexual Woman is a female who revels in 1940's style femininity--and abhors the coarseness of feminisim. Her stock in trade is an intoxicating combination of soft-spoken elegance, smoldering sensuality, and an air of wide-eyed innocence that most men cannot resist.

Armed with nothing more than a summer dress, a shy wink and a smile, a Retrosexual Woman never needs to pump her own gas or buy her own drink. At home she is a domestic diva who exudes a wholesome sensuality that is alluring no matter how she dresses or what she does. Always modest and wholesome, she is no harlot. But when she finally does take a man to her boudoir, she holds nothing back. He will be captivated by her love forever.

Femisinists sometimes (incorrectly) despise retrosexual females as totally subservient to and dependant on men the men in their lives. But a closer look soon reveals that it is the men who are serving the Retrosexual Woman. When the retrosexual female marries, her husband worships her and often spends his evenings joyfully rubbing her feet or massaging her neck.
Susan never gets a traffic ticket no matter how fast she drives. She just smiles and winks at the officer, and he lets her go. It just isn't fair. She is such a Retrosexual Woman.
by Hot Lips Hannah August 10, 2010
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