1.)Another term for ''dolphin diving''. Mostly used in the Zombie section of Treyarch games.

2.) A complete badass. So full of badassery, he kicked a cyclops eye across a football field.

See dolphin dive
1.) Dude! I just Duke Nukem'd under the lander!

2.) Ey! Did you get that new Duke Nukem game? I drew on that white board for hours.
by G.I. Hooker October 11, 2011
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A shit that comes out firing on full auto. Aka the machine gun trots.
Those steak chalupas gave me the seriousdook nukems.
by jordook November 15, 2009
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Definition 1: Somebody who is so lame, they actually become cool.

Definition 2: A big headed tool.

Mainly used when talking to friends about another person.
Taken from the main character of the 3D Realms game "Duke Nukem 3D".
Yeah, Duke Nukem Cool.
by Zangetsu91 December 3, 2010
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Guy 1: Hey dude, can I borrow 20 dollars from you, I'll pay you back tomorrow?

Guy 2: Hell no! I'll let you borrow 20 dollars when duke nukem forever comes out...
by Munchma Quchi () April 14, 2009
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The Nukem rule states that is is a bad idea to pre-order a game before its release date has been confirmed. The game could be delayed, or outright cancelled, making any deposit worthless.

This was brought on by the game Duke Nukem Forever, witch was delayed for over a decade.
"Hey man, have you pre-ordered Prey 2 yet?"

"Not going to bother, I follow the Nukem rule."
by Squarks February 19, 2013
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Duke Nukem Forever, the sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, quickly became one of the most hotly anticipated games of all time. But on May 6, 2009, everything ended.they gathered for a group photo. They were videogame programmers, artists, level builders, artificial-intelligence experts. Their team was—finally—giving up, declaring defeat, and disbanding. So they headed down to the lobby of their building in Garland, Texas, to smile for the camera. They arranged themselves on top of their logo: a 10-foot-wide nuclear-radiation sign, inlaid in the marble floor.To videogame fans, that logo is instantly recognizable. It's the insignia of Duke Nukem 3D, a computer game that revolutionized shoot-'em-up virtual violence in 1996. Featuring a swaggering, steroidal, wisecracking hero, Duke Nukem 3D became one of the top-selling videogames ever, making its creators very wealthy and leaving fans absolutely delirious for a sequel. The team quickly began work on that sequel, Duke Nukem Forever, and it became one of the most hotly anticipated games of all time.
Duke Nukem Lierop was From what he'd seen of it, Duke Nukem Forever was so well developed — and so graphically superior to any other game in production — that if 3D Realms pushed hard for a year, they could release it and "blow everyone out of the water." No, no, Broussard replied. It was two years out. Van Lierop was stunned. "I thought, 'Wow, how many times have you been here, near the finish line, and you thought you were way out?'"
by mennäperille December 18, 2019
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A "tough guy" who fails.
Nice fucking shooting, dookie nukem.
by nuckytacos February 19, 2014
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