who's that girl you're texting
its maya, were gonna get married 🤣
by mooooteez October 8, 2021
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A super hot amazing girl every guy wants. She is incredibly sexy and is often mistaken for a goddess. Mayas are often envied by other women, because they are good at EVERYTHING. Any guy would be very lucky to have a Maya, not only because they are pleasing to the eyes.
Boy: HAH! I got with a maya last night
Other boy: NO WAY! You are the luckiest man alive.
Boy: I know...
by helga shwantzinfegger August 23, 2009
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Maya Is A Human

Maya Is Human

She says

IS IT TRUE????????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
by Fynnster48 May 1, 2019
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A beautiful, smart woman. She loves texting and going on the internet, but at the same time she LOVES the outdoors. She loves water, pools, oceans, lakes you name it. If you don't find Maya in the garden, cooking, texting, bike riding, or at the pool, she is probably reading a book. Maya's are beautiful inside and out, never hurt a Maya for she will never forgive you. Maya's don't let things go. If you are lucky enough to get a Maya never let her go, treasure her forever!
Mayas friends: Maya, do you want to go on a bike ride, we'll meet you at the pool!

Maya: You bet! I'd love to!
by chachachachia1998 June 2, 2010
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Typically brown hair and brown eyes. Loves Backstreet Boys. Specifically the song “I want it that way
by ugggggggghhhh July 17, 2018
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A girls name that means beauty, intelligence and talent. She will always be goofy, charming, outgoing at times and forever awesome to family. She will always make you smile well not all the time sometimes she can be a little annoying
Mayans group of people

maya is hilarious
by the limemono11 December 6, 2010
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Maya is a girl who’s fun, beautiful, sweet, and amazing.

Maya’s are some of the best friends you could ever have. They often have a lot of friends, but always make time for their best friends and their family.

They tend to build friendships quickly, and the good ones last a long time.

She could become your BFF in just one week.

pretty silly friends
Dumb Person: Wow, Maya is REALLY boring.
Smart Person: Are you serious, !
dude? Maya is the best girl ever!
by FaithUnicorn678 September 5, 2018
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