Just all around cool, collected, hot, smart, also known as Kevin Federline. He had an affair with Britney Spears and is as awesome as shit, but some people hate him for always wanting to be in the spotlight.
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Britney Spear's loser husband's future monicker(nickname).
Some Guy In The Near Future:"Britney Spears dumped K-Fed. Now he's K-Fed-Ex."
by Mona Lott November 30, 2005
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1.How people feel whenever they see Britney and K-Fed in a picture in a magazine or on television, or another of Kevin's sad attempts at generating an income.

2.How Britney Spears feels about her husband's antics.
1.I am k-fed-UP of those two! To Britney and Kevin: GO AWAY!!!!!

2.K-Fed was seen partying with yet another skank. Britney must be k-fed-up!
by Mona Lott February 28, 2006
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male version of gold digging to a whole new level. it's where you have sex with a girl... then take her money, house, cars, money, kids, etc. only a real professional can accomplish this.
Did you hear about the Federline/Spears Divorce, he K-Fed That Ho.
by RobIsTheBalls December 31, 2008
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K-Fed-Ex has hooked up with Christina Aguilera to help lick his wounds after his divorce from Britney
by merriamweb May 19, 2006
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The nick-name of Britney Spears or anyone that K-Fed no longer has a serious relationship with.
"Britney and that other woman - They are so K-Fed-Ex."
by y2kiki January 12, 2007
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