A bad ass band from Athens, OH. Blues rock funk. Can also be shortened to Jamma. Followers are called Jamma Heads.
What's that tasty groove on your radio and who's it by? Oh, that's Jammin' Butter by Bad Mamma Jamma
by Jamma Head Mike August 21, 2006
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A really good party; one that is in between a dinger and a rager.
'Ronnie you fag, stop fucking around and get down to DJ's...it's a jamma-lamma-ding-dong'
by steel julian April 4, 2005
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See Air Jordan before you read this!

putting more force into an Air Jordan. your supposed to break the bitches nose!
" I slamma jamma ding donged that girl so hard she got 2 black eyes"
by Justin F January 12, 2005
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A gram of drugs that’s usually been dipped or bashed by ketamine
Bruv This is some proper Jamma gram. It’s been dipped by the odur fongas.
by Baydz May 1, 2020
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An awesome grandma who spoils her family with homemade jam.
Let's go visit Jamma and Papa and see what kind of jam we're having with our scones today!
by Papa & Jamma T February 13, 2023
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