"How many South Americans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A Brazillion. Get it?"


"Brazil is in South America, and sounds like it could become a number. A Brazillion."

by Iss Ya Boi Skinny Penis June 10, 2018
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A joke making fun of how many episodes it takes to do anything in Dragon Ball Z.
You: hey how many saiyens does it take to screw in a light bulb.
some guy: ok how many.
You:just one except it takes 20 episodes.
by *Cough* *Cough* April 19, 2016
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a term may use to point out an Arab person or a stupid dick who dosent look western.
dude #1: i would like to bomb my self.
dude #2: how many more wives do you have?


dude #1: what is the "internet"?
dude #2: how many more wives do you have?
by Yogev [AKA Yogi] February 17, 2008
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When an error, follie, or turn over happens in a sporting event and the opposing team does not capitalize.
A football team turns the ball over three times in succession, and all it does is result in three punts by their opponent.
how many gifts are they going to give us before we open the present
by Brad Jelinek October 5, 2007
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A JoJo reference. Also a catolic reference.

It was used by DIO when he was asked how many lives he had taken.
-How many reverse cards have you played in this game?!?
-Do you remember how many breads have you eaten in your life?
by cactini June 3, 2020
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