a fat ass with no other thing to do in life other then to piss you off
my brother is a mother fucking hell pig
my mom is a MFHP
by 5:-P June 20, 2011
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Or HYFYSY for short. Because why say "hell ya" or "fuck ya" when you can say "HELL YA FUCK YA SHIT YA"!?
Jack: "Dude, I was thinking we'll hit this rooftop bar for happy hour, then crush this dank new Korean fusion spot. How's that sound?"

Brad: "Oh HELL YA FUCK YA SHIT YA!!! I'm in AF!"
by Schroed April 13, 2021
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What someone says when they want to know why their life is hell.

what did you expect?
by uh..... wat April 15, 2021
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what you say to someone who has offended you without having to worry about a comeback because they'll be to confused to respond. i swear its a complete and real sentance. note that the word above is shrtened and cutoff. full length above.
Person: "Poser!"
Emo Kid: "Fuck you fucking fucker who fucks your fucking fuckhole father that fucking fucks fuckass whores through their fucking fuckholes then fucks himself til he fucking dies of fucking aids and fucking falls into the fucking fuckhole to fucking hell while your fucking mother get fucking fucked by fucking fuckholes who fuck fucking fuckers like your fucking self and motherfuckers like themselves so they can fucking live without fucking having to fucking pay fuckass whores like your sister who used to fuck the fucking fuckholes that fucked your motherfucking mother who fucked lots of fucking men that weren't your fucking father on her fucking business trips she fucking set up to fucking get away from your fucking fugly face."
by ThatChickWhoKicks@$$! September 28, 2009
Get the Fuck you fucking fucker who fucks your fucking fuckhole father that fucking fucks fuckass whores through their fucking fuckholes then fucks himself til he fucking dies of fucking aids and fucking falls into the fucking fuckhole to fucking hell while your mug.
Unbelievably bad sex.
P1: did you fuck stacey yesterday?
P2: yeah but it was an absolute hell fuck
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A sex daring sex position. Before penetration is initiated the man dips his penis in gasoline and presumes to set it on fire.
Are you sure? I mean I would love to try Fucking hell sometime but it sounds deangorus
by Spacekhan October 30, 2018
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