The Romani people, commonly called Gypsies are an ethnic group of people originally from India.
They have faced persecution discrimination and genocidal policies since entering Europe in the early 1100's or so.
They have been denied their traditional means of livelihood and then are condemned for surviving.
Even today they are subjected to pograms across Eastern Europe and forced deportations from Western Europe.

I am appalled by the virulent racism evidenced on this site.
It's interesting that the site rejects inside jokes yets allows this murderous slander of an entire group of people.
I am appalled and outraged by the virulent racism shown in most of these submissions.
A Gypsy is a member of an ethnic group of people.
by Focarile June 8, 2010
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Gypsies are actually "Romani" people, who are originially from Northern India but traveled and live all over the world, though most live in Eastern Europe today.

I am sick of the biggoted stereo-typing hicks spew left and right about the Romani, if you don't mess with them and call them racial slurs (and I strongly suggest you don't) they will not hurt you, so don't fear them because you don't know them! that's straight ignorant.

Romani's or "Gypsies" have their own language and traditions, sadly a lot are straying from their roots just like Native Americans, because the media likes to brainwash people into these types of things. (I won't get into this now)

So what I'm trying to say is just because you don't know who or what these beautiful, exotic people are OR if you do and have had a bad eccounter with 1 or 2 does NOT mean they are like the same.

Respect their traditions and culture just like you want yours to be (that's if you have one)
Billy-Bob: are those them gypsies over thur?

Mike: no, you backwoods redneck, they are the Romani people.
by HellzBellz April 3, 2005
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An ethnic group of people that are severely misunderstood.
Although most ignorant people will claim that they are thieves and scoundrels, they are simply human being who are trying to live honest lives. Don't blame the entire Romany community for the mistakes of a couple of fools. Please and Thank you.
A gypsy (Rom) is a nice, kind nice people, just like everyone else.
by anonymous9357 September 22, 2009
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The scummy folk who like to pave driveways, have seemingly incestuous relationships with their sister or cousin, and eat large soft pretzels which they find on the sidewalk or in the trash can at the local Giant Eagle. The gypsy women sport big teased hairdoos and the male of the species usually sports a mullet and wear pointed-toe boots and wife beaters. Old Gypsy women have, what's best described as, "teased out" hairdoos that are so thin, that you can see their scalps.

Gypsies can be found in packs at night, stealing valuable metal, such as copper wiring and aluminum siding, which they later sell at the metal scrap yards.
MAN! I've never seen a dump truck with mag wheels! Thoses gypsies kick ass!

Look at that dude kissing his sister... I think he's a gypsy.

Hey! Where are my gutters? Where is my aluminum siding? Why is my driveway freshly paved? I think we were attacked by gypsies last night!

Look! Here come some gypsies! Quick, hide your soft pretzel under your shirt so they don't see it!
by Poopy Pants February 2, 2005
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Someone who is stingy and only cares about themself. They will most likely screw you over if given the chance.
Zach is such a little gypsie. He ate all the food knowing that I was really hungry.
by Joe December 13, 2004
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Nomadic people hated by most of the population for no reason. Not to be confused with "modern-day gypsies" who live like pigs and steal. The gypsy people, contrary to popular belief, are honest and hard working, and would rather make something and sell it than steal.
Most have stopped travelling nowadays, but there are still some who refuse to settle down, and festivals at certain times of the year celebrating the culture.
"My grandfather was a gypsy and often wove baskets to sell as he travelled."
by Saphs March 20, 2008
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