A vagina that has been penetrated so often throughout it's existence that it's inards are being worn on the outside. Which then causes the snatch to resemble that of guacamole.
"Dude don't hit on that Ashley chick man, I fucked her 3 months ago and that bitch had a mean ass guacamole cooch."
by Tommy Stanek October 29, 2006
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a girl who is very ugly, someone you don't wanna hook up with
Yo, those girls are guacamole
by Pdog Llama February 18, 2008
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The act of cumming into a bowl, using food coloring to turn it green,adding pepper and having your partner eat it with tortilla chips.
Girl : Babe, that was an extra salty guacamole feast.

Guy: You should just be thankful for what you have.
by Some Kid Bored In High-School November 8, 2011
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A statement that can be loosely translated into "holy shit" or "holy cow" or anything that expresses extreme surprise.

Holy Guacamole is actually a restaurant in Santa Monica.
Wholly Guacamole is a brand of guacamole and other dips.
Jack: Hey Jill, lets go up the hill to fetch a pail of water!
Jill: OKAY!
(both go up the hill)
Jill: (trips)
Jack: HOLY GUACAMOLE! (trips)
by Omgeezus January 4, 2012
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The worker in Chipotle that gives you an miniscule amount of guacamole even though you paid extra for it.
That woman is such a guacamole nazi because she only gave me a tiny scoop!!
by Barry Poppins February 10, 2009
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My girlfriend got dry, so I used some Fresh Guacamole to finish the job. Good thing I had a sinus infection.
by Dingo Bango September 8, 2010
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