A person who never talks and isn't included in a conversation

When you invite your friend or he invites you to something, and you are a third wheel to him and another friend
Steve went to the party his friend invited him to, but was frucked and never talked with his friend

John "Steve is kinda a fruck."

George "Yeah I know, whenever I see him with his friends he's always quiet and just listens to everything and never really get's included."
by Some Rando On The Internet September 18, 2020
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I can't believe I frucked her- we've been friends for years!
by Ers514 January 1, 2006
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Fanstany Rape sex. When a man or woman intentionally fights their sexual partner during sex to imitate the act of rape to get off on the adrenaline and rush of being held down and forced to perform sexual acts
Woman: Baby I you to fuck me like I don't want it.
Man: girl, don't worry I'm gonna fruck you so bad
by MrHancock August 16, 2015
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A variation or alternate ending for the word f**k and can be used in many ways:
"HOLLY FRUCK!!"-supprised

"FRUCK YOU!" - Anger


"Fruck this" - annoyed

"What The Fruck!?" - confused

and to point someone in the right direction - "FRUCK OFF!!!"
by D-ellis (96DJROCKER) March 3, 2011
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fruck: the past tense of freak
i totaly fruck out just now when i read that wrong definiton of fruck.
by manny and minger April 29, 2005
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