After watching YouTube Rewind 2018, I proceeded to throw up and cringe.
by Itsmasso December 10, 2018
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UK slang. An extremely awkward, uncomfortable situation caused by a person, group of people or environment, causing extreme embarrassment. The resultant effect on the surrounding non-cringe people is usually shame, chagrin or vexation or a combination of these.
1. "Mate, I can't believe that Fred was wasted and tried to get with a guy. Absolute cringe."

2. "Mate, I can't believe that Fred got wasted and fell down the stairs naked in front of that girl he fancied. That was cringe. Solid banter though."

2. The epitomy of "cringe":
by solidbant2001 February 7, 2011
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cringing - (cringe present tense)
to have an unsettleing sinking sensation all throughout ones torso from something directly or indirectly happining to oneself,to ones utter horror and dismay.

dying of cringe
person 1: "why are you cringing?"
person 2: " i may have possibly just shit myself...and its unplesant"
by smurf1989 February 15, 2011
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