A caden is someone who cheats on a girl with another girl who is in a relationship. He also faps to aeroplanes
Omg, John just pulled a caden by cheating on Sibby with Shenny who was in a relationship with Ahmad Ibrahim. I also heard him in the toilet, “ OMG THAT A380 IS SO HOTT, QUICKLY TAKE OFF THE RUNWAY SO I CAN CUM ALL OVER YOUR GLORY HOLE- I MEAN ENGINES. YESYESYES AHHHHHHH SHIT I JUST NUTTED ON THE DOOR, BUT THAT AIRPLANE SURE WAS SEXY
by 9plus1equals10 April 13, 2019
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Caden is a pretty(gay) ok-ish person. He looks like a taco because his last name is probably dell. This girl named Nicolette probably likes him. He is an overall a person that is not at all intimidating and looks like someone who could fail at stabbing someone with a knife even if the person was standing still. Also he's probably Asian but no one really knew because he looks American.
This is the description of a Caden I know in real life and I only wrote this because of all the inaccurate descriptions of him.
by TurtlesAreNice December 7, 2019
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an piece of trash who will mess with yours and other girl’s feelings. he will probably cheat on you while you guys are “talking”. usually a tall person and has a big group of friends but none of them like him. he usually plays the victim in situations and thinks everything is about him. if your dating a caden? drop him right now, he’s probably talking to 5 other girls.
guy 1: “dang caden is really annoying”
guy 2: “yeah i agree, did you hear about all the other girl’s he’s talking to even though he’s in a relationship?”
guy 1: “no i didn’t but i’m not surprised”
by Abby Shepard January 27, 2020
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He’s a pretty neat guy who cares about people but if you trigger him don’t expect him to bounce back but for him to hurt himself in a blind rage, that’s if you’re lucky.
Person 1: Have you met Caden he’s pretty nice
Person 2: No he kinda scares me. After Tod started bullying him Tod never came back to school.
by Big Huge 991 February 24, 2019
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Oh here comes Caden
by Yeetyoot February 24, 2019
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A person that exists and is alive and does things. A large lad.
Big man Caden is out here dunking it.
by Long Larry December 17, 2018
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