Blaine is hot stuff!

Sexy man of a Blaine, he is kind, sweet, caring, daring and loving.

He is funny, active, smart, interesting and creative.

He sees and recognizes your gifts and will encourage you to explore, indulge and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

A man of many hobbies and interests. Literally an all terrain kind of guy.

This man is a sexy beast and will make you feel BLISS!
He indulges in life and takes care of himself.

He fixes stuff.
Blaine, you sexy beast

Oh wow! That Blaine is HOT STUFF!
by Mmmsi December 27, 2016
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She Is someone you want to be around. She has a big heart and is loyal to everyone. She is usually smiling and putting a good mood in the air . She’s beautiful in the inside and outside but doesn’t know it . She is an amazing person that you’re missing out on. But don’t get on her bad side. She’s extremely sensitive and it’s easy to tear her heart to pieces .
Person 1: Dang she got an ass

Person 2: that’s definitely a blaine
by Bitchezz2331 November 23, 2018
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Blaine is a very fun person to be around he's really nice and puts his friends before him self. Is usually tall and has an athletic build. Loves sports and being around loved ones
Man I need a blaine in my life right now
by 1996001 March 13, 2017
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the process of switching from tighty whities to briefs in order for a girl to have sexual intercourse with you
"I've been blaining for about one week and i have been laid about eight times."
by sexiscool69 August 2, 2009
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the act of ignoring someone who has a crush on you in hopes that they will no longer have a crush on you.
Maggie has been blaining John for the last month because he has a crush on her.
by wont say February 13, 2008
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to blaine means to go off at a tangent and start talking bs, to lose control over your own flow of ideas, to type just because each key stroke is free.
There he goes, blaining again.
by Phopemobilii February 26, 2015
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An awesome skater kid that rocks the plaid. A blaine gives big amazing hugs and can talk about anything. He smells good all the time and flims amazing stuff. A blaine dreams of going to a special high school far away but really in the end he will know that Erie is the best school ever. A blaine is always really chill and he doesnt give a shit about Chinese clas. A Blanie is the coolest kid in the graduating class of 2015 and snowboards like a beast.
did you talk to blaine today?
yeah he gave me an amazing hug too.
by ktronafer October 24, 2011
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