The Aja Mask, If you put the Red Stone of Aja on a normal Stone Mask, you will have the Aja Mask, how does a aja mask work? well, it evolves you to the one and only ultimate life form, the Aja Mask was once used by Kars, Kars is a pillar man along with other 2 pillar men named ACDC and Wamuu. the Aja Mask was shown in a anime called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 : Battle Tendency.
Mark : Hey did you know kars used the Aja Mask to become the ultimate life form in JoJo?

Caesar : Yeah! I dont know how he lost a fight against a robot and a buff guy with sunshine kung fu, not to mention the ultimate life form cant die.
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To unintentionally put the punch line of a joke before the setup. To accidentally reorder the words in a popular phrase.
Joe: knock knock
Sally: who's there
Joe: orange u glad I didn't say banana
Joe: wait...
Joe: I mean orange
Sally: way to aja that joke dumby

Trump: America make let's great again!!
Biden: does he realize he just aja'd his own catch phrase
by Your brain on drugs October 5, 2021
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Aja is a unisex name. Aja is a very shy but interesting person. They might not talk much at first but if they open up to you you better not tell them to stop because they will never speak to you again and they’ll go back in their closet.

Person1: Do you know why Aja won’t speak to me? They seem really quite lately.

Person2: You probably told them something that made them uncomfortable. It’ll be difficult to get them out of their closet again. You should go apologize and reassure them!
by Amanbutnotactuallyaman November 21, 2021
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a gross, whorey, pale, EXTREMELY RICH, female specimen that has a weird bun atop her head
omg it’s aja over there hehe!! ❤️
by chank December 2, 2019
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A handsome and strong male. Usually Ajaes are short, and sometimes ginger. But mostly with freckles. They are also GREAT stand up comedians!! They love to laugh and have a good time! Just don't mock them about their height.
"Look how short Ajae is!"
"But he's funny anyway"
by Klaus H. November 6, 2020
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He is a thick hot junk of meat with a huge ass and a huge dick he uses to please men and women he is the god of sex
Ajae is so hot
by eidusnaud July 28, 2023
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A girl with a bad attitude but loving caring, and down to earth. Her main focus is her friends and her dream job. She is crazy after you get to meet her.She doesn't mess around when it comes to her family. But once you get to know her you will not be able to get enough of her. She also has lots of boy trouble no boy fits right to her puzzle. Queen also has a wonderful personality you make think that she is high half the time but she is not. So if you know a Queen lucky you.
by DjBrick April 1, 2018
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