Tessa is a sexy ass chick who has big boobs and a nice ass. She is incredible at dancing and singing, which can turn any guy on. Tessa is usually short in height, but don't underestimate her. She can beat up any guy with ease, so watch out! She's also a good cook, and extremely good with kids. She also loves to swim and go shopping for anything
"Have you seen that chick?!"

"You mean Tessa? I know, she's a babe!"

"I call dibs!"
by butterflies123456 March 4, 2012
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A Tessa is an amazing girl. She's always lovable, even when she argues. She always listens, and doesn't complain.
Tessa's are amazing creatures, if you don't know one, you aren't complete.
Who's this amazing chick?" "Oh, that's Tessa!"
by Checkthisout1234 March 7, 2011
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Tessa is a nice,mature,beautiful young lady who is a awesome friend. She will always stand up for you ,and help you. She is loving, sweet,and very loud(in a good way).Tessa is my best friend I love her so much.I don't know what I would do without her!Everyone loves Tessa,and if Tessa is sad you need to cheer her up right away! She is very crazy and a little stubborn.She is also pretty sensitive.All the guys love Tessa, and I'd be nothing without her! <3
Girl1:Hey is Tessa at school today i haven't seen her in forever
Girl2: Yeah i miss her so much i hope i get to see her today
by Ashphoroyl March 10, 2018
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from the ancient greek term meaning " one who likes to accessorise"
im feeling a bit like a tessa today
by Jane Smith September 25, 2006
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That’s one girl that tries to get everyone else to quiet down by screaming and makes it worse
everyone else: *gets louder*
by DankMemer12832 March 6, 2019
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Tessa is the girl who plays video games, swims is totally hot and easily lovable and i love her she is the dream girl and she is mine!
dude you got your self a tessa? you lucky bastard
by thepyro94 July 21, 2010
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One of the most beautiful women you will ever meet. She will make you call her a jew, have amazing days, and she will make you fall in love with her. You will eventually learn that you two are not meant for each other and become best friends. Oh, and she also loves when you give her massages.
My best-friend, Tessa, is coming to the skate park with me. Are you going to come as well?
by beastbuddyandaunicorn October 30, 2012
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