my birthday 🔥🔥🔥
"you know what december 3rd is?"
by ryansthebest December 2, 2022
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People born on december 3rd are legendary motherfuckas who will do anything for the boys because you can never dog the boys and if you do dog them you shouldnt exist people born on this day also are the best boyfriends and have the biggest dicks
Bacon: you see that kid over there he looks like a legend
Brae: must be someone born on december 3rd
by Wa ge November 2, 2019
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Person: hey take my sweater

Other person: why
Person: it's December 3rd
by mickan09 November 11, 2022
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jack: what’s the date?
kyle: it’s december 3rd, you know what that means?
jack: what?
kyle: time to grab some ass.
by prabbitt October 14, 2019
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When u post your bf or gf and show them off
why’d you post your gf ? and why’d she post you?
haven’t you heard its December 3rd or post ur bf/gf day!
by yung.dagger_dihh.17 December 2, 2020
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