National Kait Sharp day, if you or someone you know is named Kait Sharp you have to give the food, hugs, gifts and nice letters.
Person 1: Today is December 11th! We have to find someone named Kait Sharp!
Person 2: Your right, we have to give them lots of hugs and our love too!
by HolyMemeQueen November 26, 2019
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On December 11 you must go up to your smartest friend and slap them.
by Forcitlali December 11, 2019
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Bully anyone that is shorter than yourself
Hey it’s December 11 let’s bully Ariel she’s short!
by Dr Pepper and m&m December 11, 2019
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Ditch day since no one decided to ditch on the other day
Hey bro why weren’t you at school today”
“It’s December 11 dude”
Oh oh alright
by 209retard December 9, 2019
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Ask your crush out on December 11! Common ladies go get yourself a man!
Hey 👋🏼 isn’t it December 11?
Yeah why?

Imma go get myself man then! Byeee!
by Rose445 December 11, 2019
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No relationships day. It's the day that all the taken people can enjoy as singles!
Hey, it's december 11! It means I can kiss my friend and my boyfriend won't get mad
by alternative.slut December 9, 2019
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