Face pictures; (F)ace (P)icture(s)
Bob: Do you have any more fps?
by yourmomishot.com February 1, 2022
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FPS is an abbreviated term for Fractured Penis Syndrome.
FPS does not mean that one's penis is injured. It means that one is born with a dysfunctional penis.
My best friend was dumped by his girl friend because she found out that he had an FPS.
by ejrtrodzuvpplor February 20, 2016
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First pick, usually in video games or team sports
John:"Can you fp me Morde?"
Kevin:"Yeah sure, do you have Varus?"


John:"You got fp, who are you taking?"
Kevin:"I'll take Dylan"
by Tonks McBingus June 4, 2020
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fp man, they all suck.”
by Sunflowergacha September 3, 2020
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One of the measurements of a personal computer's video card performance, which stands for Frames Per Second, expressed as a number. The larger the number, the more the user has paid to increase the quality of his gaming life, and the less he cares about *real* life.
Computer Guy A: "Dude, I just spent $800 for the latest ATI card, and my FPS is ROCKING!"

Computer Guy B: "So this means that you're now going to be spending *more* than 16 hours per day playing games, I take it. Sad."
by dmarks September 17, 2004
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Halo is sometimes considered the best FPS of all time.
by Justin H. April 30, 2005
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FPS - Fanny Pack Swag

The swagger appearance that is acquired solely from wearing a fanny pack around one's waist.
Joe: Look at that fag with his fanny pack.

Jay: Nah brah... hes got his FPS on full throttle.
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