look of death, also to be affiliated with death stare. but a glare is not a stare, so it's a death stare on a short period.
Aaron: i really love KFC
chicken: *death glare*
Swahili Bastardizations: wow man look at that chicken death glaring at u
chicken army: *death glare*
just a nigga with a rocketlauncer: Don't worry boys i got this
and they lived happily ever after...
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an oscar winning performance in seeing someone through a window but then acting shocked when seeing them face to face like you weren't looking at them 2 seconds ago
"woah , I can't see cus the glare nd dat"
by stevenhubrisammamam March 27, 2023
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little shithead who dont get bitches at all. never have and never will feel a single touch of another person.
omg! did ya know that he is a glare voter?

-he gets no bitches
by daza! October 16, 2021
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When you stare at someone intensely,to the point where it gets really uncomfortable.
The term was created since some Animators stare down people to learn about life-like movement,so they can recreate it on the best way possible.
Person 1:"Hey,have you seen Michael?"
Person 2:"I was giving him the animator glare a few minutes ago and he left,that a-hole thinks he is better than me"
by MrSchlong August 10, 2021
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When you been grinding so hard you see the tiredness in one eyes but serious at the same time. Almost as if you been to hell and back
Youngin: ‘Damn did you see Marley, he been workin for ages I see the weight in his eyes
Youngin 2: ‘yeah brah, he been given everyone the doze glare foo’
by $waeviiThaVincii January 26, 2021
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Glaring flaw

A flagrant, obvious error.

Glaring errors.
The road has a glaring flaw: a big crack due to the poor asphaltic paving.
by W.Zschornack April 12, 2017
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A look of pure love towards your girlfriend/boyfriend.
Tom gave his girlfriend a love glare, which his girlfriend thought was pretty daeb adorable.
by Sacred Thunderstorm May 24, 2020
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