People who go camping or to the cottage but the cottage or camper has all the amenities of home.
I love going to the cottage, we have air conditioning, wifi, satellite tv, gas fire pit and a hot tub. We love going to the cottage and roughing it softly in the wilderness.
by AngDevilo July 6, 2018
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When a girl with pimples is giving you a blow job, pull out of her mouth as you are about to cum and let it go all over her face.
"You know that girl Stacy?"

"The one with all the pimples?"

"Yeah, I gave her a Rough Custard last night."
by Mingegash March 13, 2014
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1. Billy: "Do you wanna have some rough juicy juice?

Mary: "Sure."

2. Bro 1: "Dude, me and my girl fucked so hard last night."

Bro 2: "You got some of that rough juicy juice."
by CaptainPluto February 5, 2016
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An example of a person who you would presume to be rough as shit with some titties.
I asked John to carry my grandmothers vase for me but, he dropped that shit because he is so dam rough tittie.
by Trug March 27, 2019
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When you got so much going on, hangin'out, work, different lady friends, family get physically exhausted, you fall asleep at a drop of hat, sometimes you are just draggin'
Man, I am beat! That rough jugglin' has done wore me out!

Why do you have such big bags under your eyes?

It's rough jugglin', know what I'm sayin"?
by Friggincredible June 6, 2011
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Someone small and insignificant that lives in the shadows and PROBABLY eats small fish.
I was quite the rough shark back in High School. I had no friends and my dorsal fin was two times the size of my pectoral fin.
by Spergosaur April 16, 2018
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When a women fist a man while he ejaculates onto her face
by NMking October 27, 2010
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