The people that scream 10 times louder and complain about a game when something looks too strong but it is clearly fair.
These "Professionals" are really loud about that thing that's clearly fair.
by M4RIO31240 January 17, 2022
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Rosé from Blackpink
every time something goes not as planed she is professional af
by gio_ota July 19, 2019
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1st using a fake personality so as to manipulate clients into liking you and gain more return clients.
2nd a street prostitute (per Merriam Webster)

See also "telephone perfessionalism" or the use of baby talk without the tone.
Servant: Let's keep it professional
Client: when I want a BJ ill let you know but outside of work I am not otherwise inclined to be fake.
by WGstyles August 16, 2023
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A place that all Asian boys go, lose their hopes and dreams and realize that's where they will stay for the next four years with pain and agony.
Hey, I'm going to SAT Professional during summer!
by MichaelZZZ June 18, 2017
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Person 1: Do you know any professional drinkers?
Person 2: How dare you even ask that? I can outdrink everyone on the face of the planet. You think DEMPSEY can drink like me? No way.

Person 2 is The Don
by ILoveMrMcIlwain June 2, 2022
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Experienced largely during a person's mid-twenties, denoting a period of a person's professional life where they feel they are pointlessly clocking in and clocking out, endlessly over what is viewed as an infinite length of time.
"I'm stuck in professional purgatory, Sue - however many jobs I apply for, I still have the cold sweat of having to wakeup tomorrow to do the same job that I hate, day in, day out"

"I'm so glad to have escaped professional purgatory; I've finally got a job where people give me a real wage, real responsibility and a sense of worth!!"
by Marwam September 27, 2013
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Conscious professionals are people who actively engage with the environment and community around them: working towards reducing their environmental impact on the world by making choices based on good reason and research (i.e.mostly vegan, buy local, don't waste water, avoid single-use plastic); they are open-minded and accepting of all sexes, races and cultures and take action to break down social barriers and unjust norms. While building successful careers for themselves, they are not driven purely by monetary success, but rather success in the multitude of aspects that define life as a human on this earth (including, but not exclusive to: self-growth, inner-peace, strong interpersonal relationships, connecting with nature).
"They make ecobricks at home - that's so conscious professional! "
"The house of the conscious professionals" (a group of conscious professionals living together)
"I'm a conscious professional"
by sindiswa August 28, 2018
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