Owner and expert operator of "Deez Hands"
Test that theory at you're own risk. Do not attempt to apprehend Dem Hands. You will catch them and they will hurt you.
If you ain't looking for a fight then you need to keep away from Samee BeBad
by HaCkInDaGov23 September 28, 2021
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When something is pretty much the same but in a different situation.
"Mitch is dating another girl who cheats on him,
Same tiger, different suburb"
"That girl is wearing the same dress that Emily owns.. same tiger, different suburb"
by SpoonieFusion October 5, 2023
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a way to express excruciating anger to an acquaintance of the adolescent age
You're an idiot, so same to you kid.
by whenlyfegivesUlemons November 25, 2016
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When two things that are barely different are being compared
Operating from the left block, and operating from the right block are the same in a vacuum
by Doug Johnson February 22, 2017
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same hard worker,one that doesn,t also work hard,or one that does not work at all.
-I am Alex,in a difficulty?I know that Simon that has came recently is bringing up, this is no same hard that we fire him?He,s running away, sad has becoming that I reprimanded:Flimsy!
-No Celvine,always see a fault,he just had a poison,for Marieta that is a get away for a marriage with him ,he goes to die also,forgive him even,was shitting exactly of what he had,was working that all this happens!
by bad,good? August 22, 2019
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another way of saying "same" or "me too". You're taking a 'quote' of whatever another person said and saying you feel the same.
"Man that test totally wrecked me"
"Quote same"
by itsabries March 31, 2017
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