boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!
i just boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!
did you just boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!?
yeah, i boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!.
by Jupite January 20, 2022
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One that "thrabs" which is open handed cup spanking of the sphyncter, creating a popping sound🙀 the bunghole will dialate and pucker like a balloon knot! 🎈
" keep going big daddy, harder, you're the greatest bung thrabber ever!!
by Mr.Hemlock August 9, 2022
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a state of discomfort similar to unwillilng anal penetration
I hope Doug isn't bung hurt that his name was used in the Urban Dictionary example of "bungover".
by Rev1guy February 27, 2014
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Being bunged up is being higher then a kite or drunker then a skunk. Or just to fucked up in general
Guy1: hey man, how you doing?
Guy2: Dude I’m all bunged up and can’t function.
by Chongdolf May 16, 2021
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A place where all men want to go don't matter how shitty it is
c'mon cam let me stick it in your bung hole
by Special cock March 27, 2017
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Bung Hole,

During the early days of world war 1 some of the early aircraft had radial engines that were lubricated with castor oil. the cockpits were open and castor oil fumes played havoc with the pilot and observer. Their solution was to eat a lot of cheese which they referred to as "bung hole".
(As told to me by my maternal grandfather who was a ww 1 soldier).
The bung hole will reduce your diarrhea.
by Restora2 June 19, 2020
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Bung Hole
Shut up Bung Hole
by YungDellor July 26, 2021
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